Office 365 – DTD is prohibited in this document issue




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Got trouble Connection PowerShell to SharePoint online? This could be the resolution to your troubles.
I had this myself, or we had it in our Company tenant. This is what the issue was and this is how I fixed it:

When trying to connect to PowerShell for SharePoint Online, using the Connect-SPOService command, we got a error that did not tell us anything.

PS dtd error 1

The error is:
Connect-SPOService : For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this document. To enable DTD processing set DtdProcessing property on XmlReaderSettings to Parse and pass the settings into XmlReader.Create method.

Well, its almost a joke right…
When searching the web for information on this particular, I struck zero…all I could find related to the ISP and the default search provider something. I quickly dismissed them as unrelated.
Then after some time had passed, I found a similar issue, this seemed related and it was a connectivity issue same as mine (If I still had the link I would give credit to where credit is due). This fellow had resolved the issue by adding a missing DNS record.
This made me think, since our tenant has existed since way Before Office 365 existed (BPOS) perheps we were also missing some of the required DNS records?
I checked with my collegues, and apparently we were missing the record as well.

So, if you ever see or get the ‘DTD prohibited’ issue, remember to check the DNS for the following record:

Alias: MSOID
Info: Used by Office 365 to direct authentication to the correct identity platform More Information

After I added this to DNS, Connect-SPOService works just fine!



Microsoft’s official explaination on the DNS record:
What’s the purpose of the additional Office 365 CNAME record?

When you run a client application that works with Office 365 such as Lync, Outlook, Windows PowerShell or Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync tool, your credentials must be authenticated. Office 365 uses a CNAME record to point to the correct authentication endpoint for your location, which ensures rapid authentication response times.If this CNAME record is missing for your domain, these applications will use a default authentication endpoint in the United States, which means authentication might be slower. If this CNAME record isn’t configured properly, for example, if you have a typo in the Points to address, these applications won’t be able to authenticate.

If Office 365 manages your domain’s DNS records,, Office 365 sets up this CNAME record for you.

If you are managing DNS records for your domain at your DNS host, to create this record, you create this record yourself by following the instructions for your DNS host.


References and Credits
Nope, not this time…Credits & many thanks to To all of you.




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The Iphone Apps of SharePoint Online and Office 365

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Greetings SharePoint Online users!

This time I will shed some light on what Microsoft have made available for the Iphone users out there. I’m usng different phones over time, but I have an Iphone and I discovered that there is actually quite a lot you can do from and on the Iphone that is SharePoint Online related (Only focusing on the supported Microsoft realesed here)
In this post I will try to list them all and write a bit about what you can do with them.

This is the list of SharePoint Online related apps available (2014-03-23)

OneDrive  Office  Newsfeed  OneNote  Admin  OWA  RMS

1. OneDrive for Business (Formarly SkyDrive Pro)
2. Office Mobile for Office 365 Subscribers
3. SharePoint Newsfeed
4. Microsoft OneNote for Iphone
5. Office 365 Admin
6. OWA for Iphone
7. Microsoft Rights Management Sharing

Lets start to show what you can see in the App store where they are all available as free downloads, first one out is OneDrive for Business. This is not a Deep dive into technology or functionality or detailed feature sets, but rather a listing of what is available, see what can be done in the gui, the next step is your own, download the apps and try them out for yourselves.

Good luck!

1. OneDrive for Business (Formarly known as SkyDrive Pro)


OneDrive15  OneDrive4  OneDrive2  OneDrive3

This is as good as they get, you can easily access your personal and shared files at any time (Located in your MySite or other organizational sites within the Office 365 tenant). OneDrive for Business will keep your OneDrive files in synch at all times and available online or offline.
OneDrive for Business or SkyDrive Pro as it was originally called, is the shit, no doubt about it.

2. Office Mobile for Office 365 Subscribers

Office for 365 1

Office for 365 2  Office for 365 3  Office for 365 4  Office for 365 5  Office for 365 6

These are the classical Office application, do some final Changes or touch ups, create the files you need while on the road without any Computer. This is a complete ‘mini Office’ compatible with Office 365.

3. SharePoint Newsfeed

SHarePoint Newsfeed 1

SHarePoint Newsfeed 2  SHarePoint Newsfeed 3  SHarePoint Newsfeed 4  SHarePoint Newsfeed 5  SHarePoint Newsfeed 6

SharePoint Newsfeed, follow what is happening in your organizations social and Corporate newsfeeds. This app will make sure that you are up to date at all times.

4. Microsoft OneNote for Iphone

OneNote 1

OneNote 6  OneNote 2  OneNote 3  OneNote 4  OneNote 5

OneNote…if you don’t use it today, start using it! It is a really really good companion in your daily work, not sure if the App can replace the real application, but you can read and edit your OneNote files in your phone, how cool is that?

5. Office 365 Admin

365 Admin

365 Admin4  365 Admin5  365 Admin6  365 Admin2  365 Admin3

For the Office 365 Administrator, or for the partners out there monitoring the Office 365 tenants for customers, this is the best app of them all(except for OneDrive for Business obviously). In the Admin ‘hub’ you can get the status of all the services in your Office 365 tenant. You see all the major services status on the start page, then you can drill down to what is failing, which Component has the issue, and you can read the log from the Microsoft maintenance staff, what they are doing to solve the issue. This is great. If onluy you could add users and reset their passwords as well…but you can’t get Everything. A good monitor/dashboard from Microsoft this anyway.

6. OWA for Iphone

OWA for Iphone

OWA for Iphone6  OWA for Iphone2  OWA for Iphone3  OWA for Iphone4  OWA for Iphone5

Well, no need to explain, this is the OWA (Outlook Web App, not Office Web Apps) experience in your Iphone. You get email, calendar and Contacts in your hand. In a familiar format.

7. Microsoft Rights Management Sharing



Microsoft Rights Management Sharing. Well…this is what it says, use the App to set IRM protection on files and to open IRM protected files. IRM protected files, and you can access them on your Iphone, who would have thought…?

Ok, thats it. These are the Apps on the Iphone that are related in one or many ways to SharePoint Online, or at least to Office 365. They are all written by Microsoft Corporation and they are free to download from the App store.


See Appstore in your Iphone, search for Microsoft Corporation and you will find them all.





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Office 365 guide series – Using your document templates in SharePoint online

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Greetings SharePoint Online users!

This is the third in the Office 365 and SharePoint Online series.

1. Office 365 guide series – Create a new list from an Excel spreadsheet
2. Office 365 guide series – A guide to SharePoint Navigation using metadata
3. Office 365 guide series – Using your document templates in SharePoint online (This post)

This time I will explain how to:

Use Office templates within your SharePoint Online document libraries. In every organisation, or at least the majority, you talk about templates and you know that you have them, somewhere, but in the end, you and everyone else end up using an existing document and make changes, like you take an agreement from one customer and make changes to the numbers and customer names…would it not be nice if you could get everyone to use the same template? And if a change to the template affected everyone? Wouldn’t that be just smashing eh?

Now I’ll show you the easy steps you have to follow to just get started, We’ll use a simple word template in this example, but you can use any template that you allready have.

Note: In this guide, I will show the quick and easy method, in a later post, I wil show how to use Content Types wich will also allow you to use custom templates, but in a much more controlled way. A link to that post will be added here when that guide has been posted. 

Start by locating a word template, or create one, add some info to the header with logo and company name and address maybe, and add something to the footer for example and save the file as a dotx file. Save it locally so that you easily can access it when we want to upload it to our SharePoint online. – I have created a simple letter template for the company DonkeyMind, with their logo and some additional info in it. I’ll use this in my step by step guide below. I saved this as letter.dotx in my ..\documents\DonkeyMind templates\ folder.


In a SharePoint Online site, now do this:

1.0 Upload the template file. This is not the easies thing to do, unfortunately Microsoft has choosen to make it a lot harder in SPO and SharePoint 2013 than it really has to be (Browse button from 2010 has been removed), unknown to me why. But this is how you do it:

1.1 Browse to your document library in SharePoit online, where you want to use your own custom document template.


1.2 Click the tab, Library. This will present the ribbon for you with the settings available for a document library.


1.3 In the ribbon, click on Open with Explorer


Note: The site URL has to be added to the ‘Local intranet sites’ or ‘Trusted sites’ with added logon automatically, if it isn’t, you will get a popup telling you that it will not work otherwise.

1.4 Click ok on the Internet Explorer Security warning


1.5 The library will now open in a Explorer window, in this windows you will see a folder named forms which is a bit greyed out.


1.6 Double-click on the folder forms, now you will see the following list of files


1.7 Now, in a separate explorer window on your computer, locate your saved template file (dotx)

Note: In my case, I stored it under ..\Documents\DonkeyMind templates\


1.8 Put the tw0 explorer windows side by side


1.9 Drag and drop the template file from your local folder to the SharePoint library forms folder


1.10 The file will now be uploaded to the SharePoint forms folder


2.0 When the file is uploaded ok, go back to your browser and the document library


2.1 Now, we need to change the template used from the default template.dotx to our own template, in my case, letter.dotx. Again, click on the Library tab.


2.2 Click on Library Settings


2.3 In the Library Settings dialog, click on Advanced settings


2.4 Locate the Document Template section


2.5 Change the filename in the Template URL to reflect your template files name


2.6 Click on OK


2.7 Click on Documents in the ‘breadcrumbs’ to go back to the library again.


2.8 Click on the Files tab


2.9 Now, on the New Document button, click on the dropdown and New Document


2.10 Press Yes in the dialog asking if you really want to open this file, because you do…

Note: Avoid this by changing the Trust Center settings in your Office applications.
1. Allow trusted locations on my network.
2. Add new location
3. Type in the https path to your SharePoint Online tenant
(See references for 2007 and 2010)


2.11 You may also get prompted for your username/email address for the Office 365 account. Type it in and press Next

Note: This dialog only shows up if you are not logged into your office applications using your Office 365 account 


2.12 And Password…Sign in


2.13 The new document opens, based on the template


2.14 When you have types your letter and are done, simply press Save, this will show you the save as dialog with the path to the SharePoint document library at the top


2.15 Select that and type in a filename and save the file

2.16 You are done, use the New Documents button to create your standard letters based on the custom template, again and again.


3.0 Done!

Note: All the same steps apply in SPO as well as SharePoint 2013 onpremise, exept for the ‘add site URL to trusted sites’ issue. In an onprem situation the URL is most of the time already considered Trusted or Local intranet.


Learn how to set up a template for a library.

How to enable or disable hyperlink warning messages in 2007 Office programs and in Office 2010 programs





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Office 365 guide series – Create a new list from an Excel spreadsheet

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Greetings SharePoint Online users!

This is the first in a series of Office 365 and SharePoint Online guides primarily aimed at users and power users, my aim with these guides is to show in an easy to grasp way, how you do a few relatively easy but important tasks in SharePoint Online/Office 365. Tasks that will give you a lot of functionality with relatively little effort. Since a lot have been covered already for SharePoint onprem in blogs and other online documentation like TechNet, but not specifically for Office 365 or SharePoint Onlne, I feel that there is a gap to fill here.

1. Office 365 guide series – Create a new list from an Excel spreadsheet
2. Office 365 guide series – A guide to SharePoint Navigation using metadata
3. Office 365 guide series – Using your document templates in SharePoint online

This first time, I will explain how to:

Create a new custom list from an existing excel spreadsheet
This task is simple if everything goes smoothly, but if you have never done it before, or if you have tried but got stuck on any of the little hickups you may encounter, then this may be the perfect guide for you.

– Start by creating your Excel spreadsheet. Make sure that it is a xlsx file. You may also use an existing spreadsheet with your listdata, copy from an old file, save another format as xlsx.

In the spreadsheet, follow the following rules to get a good result:
– Make sure that you do not have any empty column headers between columns. This will cause all headers to be imported as row 1 instead of beeing headers, new column headers will be created as 1, 2, 3 and so on.
– Keep the spreadsheet ‘clean’, remove empty rows, empty columns and any text above the header row and to the right or under of the table or cell range.
– The first column to the left will be the default edit field in the SharePoint list. Make sure that it has values on all rows.
– For best result, avoid formulas with calculated values.
– Use Excel 2013.

In a SharePoint Online site, do this:
1. Decide on a name for the list, it will be the URL and name of the list.
2. Go to the ‘cogs’/Settings and select Add an app


3. You will now see a list of all available apps (installed)
4. Search for Import or scroll down until you find the app called Import Spreadsheet
5. Click on Import Spreadsheet


6. Type in the Name of the new list
7. Type in a optional Description
8. At the File location field, click Browse…
9. Browse to your xlsx file on your computer
10. Click on Import


11. The Import Wizard starts, by default, the Range type is set to Table Range
12. Change this to Range of cells
13. Click in the Select Range field
14. In the Spreadsheet, select the top left cell and then make sure that you select the entire table of data you want imported
15. It should now read something similar to: Sheet1!$A$1:$G$400 (top left : bottom right)


16. Now you click on Import
17. You may now get a logonprompt from Excel, enter the emailaddress for the SPO account and click next
18. Enter the account password and click on Sign in
19. Excel will now create the list and start importing the data, you will see a little progressbar at the bottom of the Excel application.
20. When the import is done, the new list will open and you will see the columns from the top


Note: You may note sometimes that a ‘mailto:’ has been added to the email column values.
This is added in excel but hidden when a cell is formatted as an email address. In the example above, note that the first row has the value of ‘Email’ which made the list field be formatted as single line of text instead of email.
The trick is most of the time to make sure that all fieldvalues in a column are consistent in format. One cell with a different format will cause the entire column to get a different formatting.

21. Done!

– You may now want to add a link in the left hand navigation to the list. Check the url in the addressbar of IE and copy it.
– Click on EDIT LINKS
– Click on +Link
– Type in the Text to display (will be seen in the navigation), for example ‘Contacts’ and paste the URL into Address
– Click OK
– Try the link out to make sure
Done! (Again)

Error list

You get ‘The specified file is not a valid spreadsheet or contains no data to import’
When: When you browse to your Excel spreadsheet and click Import
Fix: Add site URL to trusted sites in Internet Explorer, it has to be in either trusted sites or Local Intranet sites.

A new header row is created instead of the headers I got (Column1, Column2, Column3…) and the headers becomes values if the first datarow
When: You have one or many empty headers in your cellrange
Fix: Remove all columns with blank headers, or add a value to them, this is only within your cell span.


If you get the error, ‘An unexpected error has occured. (-2147467259)’
When: Something is wrong with the SPO User session you have open
Fix: Sign out of your SPO session, close all IE windows, Close Excel – logon again to SPO, Add app…same procedure as last time.



Very large files, field data types get wrong, you expect Single line of text but get Multiple lines of text
When: The cellrange probably contain one or more ‘special’ values that is interpreted by excel/SPO as something else than it is.
Fix: With large files, create a new excelfile with only header and one row, make sure that the header row or the data row do not contain any value or characters out of the ordinary. Then, copy paste the rest of the rows in quick edit or datasheet view.

The wrong Column becomes the default edit column with the ‘…’ for the edit dropdown meny.
When: The column you want to use for default edit is not the first from the left.
Fix: First column will be the default edit field with the …make sute the Cell range starts with the top left cell.

Note: All the same steps apply in SPO as well as SharePoint 2013 onpremise, exept for the Excel logon prompt and the ‘add site URL to trusted sites issue. In an onprem situation the URL is most of the time already considered Trusted or Local intranet.


None so far 🙂





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Skydrive Pro availability and functionality chart


Wow! Skydrive Pro, what a great invention! (I know, It has been out there for a while already…)
I assume that you all know what Skydrive Pro is all about, but to just real short sum it up, SkyDrive Pro is:
A client application that allows a user to keep files synchronized between his device and his online SharePoint document library.

Now, the thing is, that apparently, you are not really supposed to run Skydrive pro unless you with that mean to it against anything but Office365…seems like this was meant to be but is slowly turning toward not meant to be…
I do realize that Office 365 is the future for Microsoft, but when such a great feature is available, and it must be a rather easy task to get the functionality dynamic so that you can connect to any webfolder, it is a shame that the support for running Skydrive Pro as a SharePoint onprem has so little support.

From my tests and research this is what works and what does not work:

Windows 8.x x64 Windows 8.x 32bit Windows 8.x RT Windows Phone IOS   Android   Mac OSX 
App to Onprem * No No No Yes No 3rd party No
Desktop to Onprem** Yes Yes No No No No No
App to Office 365 *** Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3rd party No
Desktop to Office 365 **** Yes Yes No No No No No

Please, do let me know if I am missing out on anything in the chart!

Windows 7 uses the same App and Desktop application as Windows 8x

* The App model with the possibility to connect to SharePoint 2013 Onprem
** A Desktop integrated application that connects to SharePoint 2013 Onprem
*** The App model with the possibility to connect to SharePoint Online/Office 365
**** A Desktop integrated application that connects to SharePoint Online/Office 365

So, if you want to make use of your internal onprem SharePoint 2013 farm for Skydrive Pro, you have to rely solely on Windows 8x or Windows Phone (Available in the Office hub)

The Skydrive pro desktop klient is available in Office 2013 versions as well, except for the Office 2013 for Windows RT

Skydrive pro requires SharePoint 2013 or Office 365 (Eligable subscriptions)
SharePoint 2010 works only with SharePoint Workspace on Windows OS


What is SkyDrive Pro?

What is SkyDrive Pro in SharePoint 2013 and how does it relate to SkyDrive?

How to setup SkyDrive Pro on Mac OSX




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Loopback Check configuration Tool released – free download

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Hi All.

It is here! Free for all! DOWNLOAD

I am happy to announce that the Loopback Check Tool has finally been made available at Codeplex –
No more last minute t-shooting the loopback check and ending up disabling it, trying to find the KB or a decent blog post on how to do it.

This Tool takes care of it all for you. Download the exe, put it on your servers, run it to configure the Loopback Check feature simple and easy.

Its simple.
Its small (21kb zipped)
Only click and make it happen
No installation, one single exe that works on most Windows Servers (and clients)
Disable the Loopback check completely (Not recommended)
Enable or Disable the Loopback Check function
Enable it and add excluded URLs (Recommended, now easy to do)

This is a preview image of what the tool looks like


The tool works fine on:

Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2008
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 8.1
And probably a few more…


You receive error 401.1 when you browse a Web site that uses Integrated Authentication and is hosted on IIS 5.1 or a later version

A quick guide to configuring the Loopback check

DisableLoopbackCheck & SharePoint: What every admin and developer should know.

Thanks to:

Herakles and Gutke!

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Export a document library using Export-SPWeb and itemurl


(This is my better version of the TechNet articles on the same CMDlet that does a poor job with the details, I hope that it will help some of you)
SharePoint 2010 | SharePoint 2013
Applies to:  SharePoint Foundation 2010 | SharePoint Server 2010 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Server 2013 

Exports a site, list, or library.

Export-SPWeb [-Identity] <GUID/Name/SPWeb object> -Path <String> [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>] [-CompressionSize <Int32>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-HaltOnError <SwitchParameter>] [-HaltOnWarning <SwitchParameter>] [-IncludeUserSecurity <SwitchParameter>] [-IncludeVersions <LastMajor | CurrentVersion | LastMajorAndMinor | All>] [-ItemUrl <String>] [-NoFileCompression <SwitchParameter>] [-NoLogFile <SwitchParameter>] [-UseSqlSnapshot <SwitchParameter>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]


Export-SPWeb http://site –Path "c:\temp\site export.cmp" -ItemURL "/subsite/documents"

This example exports the document library at http://site/subsite/documents to a new file called ‘site export.cmp' in the ‘C:\temp’ directory.





Identity Required Specifies the URL or GUID of the Web to be exported. The type must be either
– a valid GUID, in the form ‘12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890bcdefgh’
– a valid name of a SharePoint site (for example, MySPSite1)
or a URL:
or an instance of a valid SPWeb object
Path Required Specifies the name of the export file. If the -NoFileCompression parameter is used, a directory must be specified; otherwise, any file format is valid.
Example: “c:\temp\exportedsite.cmp” or with the -NoFileCompression “c:\temp\exportedsite\”
AssignmentCollection Optional Manages objects for the purpose of proper disposal. Use of objects, such as SPWeb or SPSite, can use large amounts of memory and use of these objects in Windows PowerShell scripts requires proper memory management. Using the SPAssignment   object, you can assign objects to a variable and dispose of the objects after they are needed to free up memory. When SPWeb, SPSite, or SPSiteAdministration objects are used, the objects are automatically disposed of if an assignment collection or the Global parameter is not used.

When the Global parameter is used, all objects are contained in the global store. If objects are not immediately used, or disposed of by using the Stop-SPAssignment command, an out-of-memory scenario can occur.
CompressionSize Optional Sets the maximum file size for the compressed export files. If the total size of the exported package is greater than this size, the exported package will be split into multiple files.
Confirm Optional Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command. For more information, type the following   command: get-help about_commonparameters
Force Optional -Force Forcefully overwrites the export package if it already exists.The type must be either of the following values:
FalseThe default value is False.
HaltOnError Optional Stops the export process when an error occurs.
HaltOnWarning Optional Stops the export process when a warning occurs.
IncludeUserSecurity Optional Preserves the user security settings except for SPLists that have broken inheritance and item level   permissions set.
(Use Import-SPWeb with –IncludeUserSecurity to preserve security on import)
IncludeVersions Optional Indicates the type of file and list item version history to be included in the export operation. If the
-IncludeVersions parameter is absent, the Export-SPWeb cmdlet by default uses a value of CurrentVersion. The type must be any one of the following versions:
LastMajor “Last major version for files and list items (default)”
CurrentVersion “The current version, either the last major version or the last minor version”
LastMajorAndMinor “Last major and last minor version for files and list items”
All “All versions for files and list items”
ItemUrl Optional Specifies the relative path to the object to be exported. Can also be a GUIDThe type must be a valid relative path, for example, /Subsite/Documents
or a valid GUID in the form: 12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890bcdefgh
NoFileCompression Optional Either enables or disables file compression in the export package. The export package is stored in the   folder specified by the Path parameter or Identity parameter. We recommend that you use this parameter for performance reasons. If compression is enabled, the export process can increase by approximately 30 percent.
NoLogFile Optional Suppresses the generation of an export log file. If this parameter is not specified, the Export-SPWeb   cmdlet will generate an export log file in the same location as the export package. The log file uses Unified Logging Service (ULS).It is recommended to use this parameter. However, for performance reasons, you might not want to generate a log file.
UseSqlSnapshot Optional Specifies a SQL Database Snapshot will be created when the export process begins, and all exported   data will be retrieved directly from the database snapshot. This snapshot will be automatically deleted when export completes.
WhatIf Optional Displays a message that describes the effect of the command instead of executing the command. For   more information, type the following command: get-help about_commonparameters



Export a site, list, or document library (Search Server 2010)

Thanks to:

Mattias Gutke – CAG – My main man!


Good Luckl!!


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