Office 365 guide series – Function to resolve a users OneDrive for Business URL

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Hi SharePoint Online PowerShellers!

This time I will give you a Quick but great function to use if you are working with OneDrive for Business:

Function to resolve a users OneDrive for Business URL


Simple solution, great to have, unbelievably efficient…

Ok, this is perhaps my shortest post ever…I’ll just explain real Quick.
OneDrive for Business gets it URL from the tenantname and the users UserPrincipalName. Creating this every time can be troublesome…
This is what I use, a function I created last summer when I was tired of doing them one at the time…

It works even with users that have a different domain in the UPN than what is the tenant name.
This is it:

Function GetODfBURL($UserPrincipalName, $TenantName)
# Creates a correct ODfB URL from email and TenantName/OrgName, returns URL as a String
    # ConStructing OneDrive personal URL from the UPN/Email address
    $StrUser = $UserPrincipalName
    $pos= $StrUser.IndexOf("@")
    $len = $StrUser.Length -1
    $StrUser = $StrUser.SubString(0, $pos)
    $StrUser = $StrUser -replace "\.", "_"
    $Orgpos = $pos + 1
    $Orglen = $len - $pos
    $StrOrg = $UserPrincipalName.SubString($Orgpos, $Orglen)
    $StrOrgNamePos = $StrOrg.IndexOf(".")
    $StrOrgName = $StrOrg.SubString(0, $StrOrgNamePos)
    $StrOrgSuffixPos = $StrOrgNamePos +1
    $StrOrgNameLen = $StrOrg.Length - $StrOrgSuffixPos
    $StrOrgSuffix = $StrOrg.SubString($StrOrgSuffixPos, $StrOrgNameLen)
    $StrOrg = $StrOrg -replace "\.", "_"
    $PersonalOrgURL = "https://" + $TenantName + ""
    $SiteUrl= $PersonalOrgURL + $StrUser
    $SiteUrl= $SiteUrl+ "_" + $StrOrg
    return $SiteUrl
$ODfBURL = GetODfBURL "" "blksthl"

This will give the URL:

Thats it. Use it or not 🙂



References and Credits

Nope, not this time…

Credits & many thanks to

To all of you.




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Office 365 guide series – Manage files and folders with PowerShell and CSOM

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How to manage files and folders with PowerShell and CSOM


How can we manage these items…?

This is a pure guide to using PowerShell to manage and manipulate files and folders, libraries and all document management related tasks in a SharePoint Online or OneDrive for Business environment.

The sections in this guide are:

– Prerequisites
– Load assemblies
– Load a CSOM Context
– Web
– List/Library
– GetFileByServerRelativeUrl and GetForlderByServerRelativeUrl
– Create a file from a local copy
– Create a folder from a local copy
– Set properties on a file
– Set properties on a folder
– ResolveUser (Function)
– GetItemProperties (Function)


Before beeing able to do much in SharePoint Online or OneDrive for Business, you have to start using CSOM, or Client Side Object Model, this allows us to do pretty much everything we could do before using regular PowerShell and the SharePoint CMD’lets from the SharePoint PowerShell add-on.
Install assemblies:
Download and install ther latest version of the SharePoint Server 2013 Client Components SDK, this can be downloaded from here:
After the SDK and the CSOM assembly DLL’s are in place, make sure you load the assemblies before calling them.

Load assemblies

 Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
 Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"

This will open up for usage of CSOM in PowerShell.

Load a context

$SPOUser = ""
# Uses a hardcoded password, use only during test/lab:
$SPOPassword = convertto-securestring "Password01" -asplaintext -force
# Better: $SPOPassword = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter your password" -AsSecureString
$SPOODfBUrl = ""
$Context = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SPOODfBUrl)
$Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($SPOUser,$SPOPassword)
$Context.RequestTimeout = 16384000
$Context.Credentials = $Credentials

Returns: $Context


(Using $Context from the section on Context above)

$Web = $Context.Web

Returns: $Web


$SPODocLibName = "Documents"
$SPOList = $Web.Lists.GetByTitle($SPODocLibName)

Returns: $SPOList

GetFileByServerRelativeUrl and GetForlderByServerRelativeUrl

In order to use the ‘Get…ByServerRelativeUrl’ methods you have to supply a relative path to the file or folder, this means a path starting from the FQDN.

Example 1
ServerRelativeUrl: /get/fileorfolder/by/relative/url

Example 2
ServerRelativeUrl: /personal/firstname_lastname_company_com

Example file:


Example folder:


Create a file from a local copy

This can be accomplished in several ways, this is one:

$LocalFile = Get-ChildItem -path "C:\Homedirs\jeff\report1.xlsx"
$FolderRelativeUrl = $SPOList.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl
$FileName = $LocalFile.Name
$FileUrl = $FolderRelativeUrl + "/" + $FileName
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File]::SaveBinaryDirect($Web.Context, $fileUrl, $LocalFile.OpenRead(), $true)

Returns: New file created in SPO/ODfB

Create a folder from a local copy

$SPOFolder = $SPOList.RootFolder
$LocalFolder = Get-ChildItem -path "C:\Homedirs\jeff\" -Recurse -Include "folder1" 
$FolderName = $LocalFolder.Name
$NewFolder = $SPOFolder.Folders.Add($FolderName)

Returns: New folder created in SPO/ODfB

Set properties on a file

Input: $FileRelativeUrl, $SPOItemModifier, $SPOItemOwner, $ItemCreated, $ItemModified

$CurrentFile = $Context.web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl($FileRelativeUrl)
$ListItem = $CurrentFile.ListItemAllFields;
$ListItem["Editor"] = $SPOItemModifier; # Get object from ResolveUser
$Listitem["Author"] = $SPOItemOwner; # Get object from ResolveUser
$Listitem["Created"] = $ItemCreated;
$Listitem["Modified"] = $ItemModified;

Returns: Folder stamped with new properties in SPO/ODfB

Set properties on a folder

Input: $FolderRelativeUrl, , $SPOItemModifier, $SPOItemOwner, $ItemCreated, $ItemModified

$CurrentFolder = $Context.web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl($FolderRelativeURL)
$SPOFolderItem = $CurrentFolder.ListItemAllFields;
$SPOItemOwner = ResolveUser $UserEmail # For ResolveUser see separate function described later in this post
$SPOFolderItem["Editor"] = $SPOItemModifier # Must be a userobject, see 'ResolveUser'
$SPOFolderItem["Author"] = $SPOItemOwner # Must be a userobject, see 'ResolveUser'
$SPOFolderItem["Created"] = $ItemCreated # In the format: "8/10/2013 7:04 PM", see 'GetItemProperties'
$SPOFolderItem["Modified"] = $ItemModified # In the format: "8/10/2013 7:04 PM", see 'GetItemProperties'

Returns: Folder stamped with new properties in SPO/ODfB

ResolveUser (Function)

Function ResolveUser ($InputUPN)
# Resolves a user to a userobject
    $OutputUserObject = $Web.Context.web.EnsureUser($InputUPN)
    Return $OutputUserObject

Returns: UserObject for $InputUPN (UserPrincipalName/Email)

GetItemProperties (Function)

Function GetItemProperties ($InFileObject)
# Gets basic properties to set on files and folders
    $Global:ItemCreated = $InFile.CreationTime
    $Global:ItemModified = $InFile.LastWriteTime

Returns: Global: Variables for ItemCreated and LastWriteTime of $InFileObject (File or Folder)

Thats all for now, I hope that you let me know if there is anything that seems to be wrong or does not work. The problem with describing all this in a complete way, is that it is easy to leave something out and it is also difficult to test every aspect while writing. Time is limited for all of us…
Anyway, my goal was to write a post that covered what I was myself missing…I hope that this is it. And again, please let me know if there are any mistakes in here.

References and Credits

None at this time…

Credits & many thanks to

LabCenter – you guys always publish my articles!

My family, my parents, Ia and the kids!





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Office 365 guide series – 101 ways to share a document

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101 ways to share a document.

Fellow SharePoint lovers! (And OneDrive for Business…)


Share the Love

More and more individuals and organizations are starting to realize the beauty of OneDrive for Business, the way it allows you to be always up to date and to be able to always access your information no matter where you are or on what device you are on.

This article will delve© into detail on how you can keep the information in one place, instead of spreading multiple copies and versions around like we have always done using email as the sharing method of choice (Not to mention USB sticks). As you all most likely know, every time you send an email with an attachment of one of your files, a new copy and possible a new version of that document is created, it happens out of your control as well and this is not something that we want, it has simply been the only way to share, externally for sure and internally it has been the easiest way for the lazy.

Now, what has changed? What’s new? What’s so special with OneDrive for Business so that we can share thru some kind of Microsoft magic and files never have to be sent in email? What’s up with that? Well, implementing OneDrive for Business as a part of Office 365 is one step, you can however still work like you always have…removing the old Home directory and the Shared folders is another. You can however still work like you always have, sending attachments using email, but, these steps will allow you and your coworkers to adopt a new way of doing things, a better more secure and controlled way to work.


Traditional sharing, send a copy of the original to each user, same as when printing a letter and posting it…


Modern sharing, one original, no copies. Everyone reads or edits the same file.

As you all also probably know and think right now, there are other cloud services that can do this and yes, I agree, but if you have invested in Office 365 already, then you get OneDrive for Business with 1TB (!) storage for free (or it is included in the price but free sounds better, and compared to using a different service like dropbox or box, then it IS free). You have a single sign on between the different applications in Office 365 and if you have implemented ADFS, then you will even have single sign on from your PC. Yes, I know that storage will be unlimited soon…but honestly, 1TB IS unlimited…

But enough of that, now I will show you where you can share a document from your OneDrive for business.

First off, there is a setting that are configured globally in the SharePoint admin portal of Office 365 that we need to know about.


External Sharing, there are 3 levels to select from. Can be set on the tenant or per Site collection. This setting can only be configured by a Global Office 365 Administrator.
The third level means anonymous access…(No! You really shouldn’t)


(Note also that if you restrict sharing on the tenant, then you cannot allow it on the site collection level) When these are set, you can start sharing.

There are a lot of places to do this for the mobile OneDrive for Business user


– OneDrive for Business Online
– OneDrive for Business Offline (from the local cache)
– The Office Applications
– The OneDrive for Business mobile app (Windows Phone, IOS, Android)
– Office Mobile (Windows Phone, IOS, Android) only shares a link, does not grant access
– Outlook Online (formerly known as Outlook Web Access)

It is more or less the same experience everywhere, the web dialog for sharing a document looks like this, from here you can share with internal users as well as external users, and all you need is an email address.

OneDrive for Business Online


Click SHARE then select how to share, or select the document(s) and click on the Share ‘button’


The dialog then looks like this


As you can see, the checkbox for ‘Require sign-in’ is checked by default, unchecking that allows anonymous access to this document.
This checkbox is only available if anonymous sharing is enabled at the tenant and at the site collection level.

The names can be internal users by name or email address, it can be external users by email or it can be everyone.


The permission level can also be set here, they speak for themselves. (Note that sharing with edit allows the recipient to in turn share with or without edit)


You can type in a message, this will be the text in the email that is sent to the recipient


Under SHOW OPTIONS you have the option to not send an email at all.


The recipient receives an email with this content


Clicking the link takes the user straight to the shared file, in its location.

Under Shared with, you can see who currently has access to this document.


When a document is shared, you can also see that the little user icon is replaced to show that someone else besides you now also has access to this document or this file.


Unshare the file again by clicking on that icon and in the Shared with dialog, select Stop sharing and save Changes.


After a quick refresh, you will see that the little icon is back to the Padlock.


This is how you share things in the OneDrive for Business Online, it is very similar in SharePoint Online (A few exceptions like unsharing differs).

The rest you will know when you see them:

The OneDrive for Business Offline (from the local cache)


The Office Applications


The OneDrive for Business mobile app (Windows Phone, IOS, Android)


Office Mobile, Word, Excel, PowerPoint (Windows Phone, IOS, Android) only shares a link, does not grant access


Outlook Online (formerly known as Outlook Web Access)



Select Share with OneDrive (They really should stop confusing the business version with the consumer version…)


Apply the proper permission level, read or read/write



Note that the file is not sent as an attachment unless you specifically choose to do so. It only looks like an attachment, the file never leaves your personal OneDrive for Business.

And, to sum it all up, a message from inside Outlook Online:




References and Credits

None at this time…

Credits & many thanks to

LabCenter – you guys always publish my articles!

Mattias Gutke at Xperta

My family.





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Office 365 guide series – Prevent unwanted use of SharePoint Designer

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SharePoint Designer, bad in the wrong hands

Prevent unwanted use of SharePoint Designer (SPD)

Hi SharePoint Online administrators!

You have all Heard the nickname SharePoint Destroyer right? I’m not a SharePoint Designer hater at all, quite the opposite actually. Some things can simply just be done from SPD and no Place else. Like for example saving a SharePoint online Site Collection from a failed branding attempt…or a miscoded masterpage…
No, SPD is a really good tool for the ones who know how to use it and with the proper skills and the proper permissions it can be a real help in many scenarios, onprem or in the cloud.

However, what I want to Point out here in this post, is that not everyone has the skills needed, and way to many users have too high permissions for their own good.
A powerfull tool like SPD in the wrong hands can be dangerous…
The only example we need: OneDrive for Business…until Microsoft makes a change and restricts every users completely unmotivated administrative privilieges to the OneDrive for Business/Mysite, we want to stop our users any way we can.

So, this is what I have found that can assist in this task in a Office 365 scenario:

1. Remove SPD as a download from Office 365 (Makes it harder)

2. Prevent the use of SPD (Not easy to accomplish in OneDrive for Business)

3. Educate your users. (Often not realistic at all)

1. Remove SPD as a download from Office 365

OK, if you did not know this, Office 365 has a link for every user, where they can freely or included in the license, download software. It includes the Office 365 Proplus and Lync+Outlook for Mac and more, one of the applications offered to the users is SharePoint Designer.
The link to download SharePoint Designer can be removed by a global Administrator though…(thank you Microsoft)
This is what you do:

Click the ‘startbutton’ in the Applauncher of your Office 365 tenant, then click on Admin

O365 Admin0

Expand Service Settings and select User Software

O365 Admin1x

Deselect the SharePoint Designer checkbox and hit Save.

O365 Admin2x

Done. This configuration will stop users from easily finding SharePoint Designer inside of Office 365

Note: Remember however, they can still install it from other sources.

If you did not know this, the software is installed by the users from here:







This setting will be removed/Hidden from the user if you follow the steps above.

2. Prevent the use of SPD

Before ywe begin, this is NOT easily done in OneDrive for Business. Since every OneDrive for Business is its own Site Collection (or part of the mysite) it has to be configured on every single OneDrive for Business. And even if this is accomplished, it can be ‘unconfigured’ by the user since he/she has administrative privileges.

Stop the use of SharePoint Designer completely in a single Site Collection this way:

In the Site Settings menu, select the Site Collections Site Settings

Site Settings 1x

Select SharePoint Designer Settings

Site Settings 2x

Deselect Enable SharePoint Designer to stop its use completely. Or, if you rather let the users do some things but not all, select the minor options as you choose.

Site Settings 3x

Hit OK and you are safe!

3. Educate your users

This is actually not a bad idea, depending on the type of users and the kind of business you are and the size and so on, this can be the very best way, but it can also be the hardest, the most expensive and the least secure way.
My recommendation, do keep this in mind. It can be a good adea to put some trust in your users and give them some responsibility, sometimes…
How to do this step, that is not my area of expertese, but there are others who know this. If you are a small organization, use email! Or Office 365 Video?

With that, we are done for this time.

References and Credits

Organize your Office 365 with the new app launcher

Introducing Office 365 Video


Credits & many thanks to

Always, Mattias Gutke, now at Xperta

My excellent colleges/coworkers at Xperta! All of you! My team, Johanna, Oscar, Micke and again, Mattias!






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Office 365 guide series – Verify Provisioned OneDrives using PowerShell

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Hi SharePoint Online administrators!

This time I will show you how to:

Verify if a provisioned OneDrive for Business site was provisioned.


 Is this really right…? What did they…(Åminne bruk, Värnamo, Sweden)


If you followed my previous post, Office 365 guide series – Provision OneDrive for Business using PowerShell then you will mst likely have a bunch of sites that you Think you have provisioned and are not really sure if it worked?
There are obviously ways to verify manuelly but if the list of users was long, then that is not the funniest work out there…

I suggest you use this script instead…:-)

If you have a single emaildomains in your oranization use the first one, if you have multiple emaildomains, use the second.
All you have to do is copy or retype the script to a Prompt/ps1 or ISE session, then run the script. You have the option to save some time by entering your account name in the script(see start)


1. Script 1 Use this script if your organization only uses one domainname as email domain. For example, if you use only ‘’ then you should use this script.
2. Script 2 Use this script if your organization only uses multiple domainnames as email domains. For example, if you use ‘’, ‘’,’ as UPN names within your O365 tenant, then use this script. You will here be asked for the domain used in the O365 tenant address.
3. Example 1 Example of a usecase with multiple emaildomains and script 2.
4. Example 2 Example of a usecase with a single emaildomain and script 1.

Note: If you copy paste the code from here into a PowerShell promt or ISE, please verify that all quotes and doublequotes are copied correctly, character coding may cause problems. 


Single email domain in your oranization:

***** SCRIPT 1 STARTS HERE *****

# By Thomas Balkeståhl -
$o365cred = Get-Credential -Username "" -Message "Supply a Office365 Admin"
$Userlist = read-host "submit your list of users that have been provisioned"
$Userlist = $Userlist -replace " ", ""
$Emails = $userlist -split ","
#Splitting list into Array
Foreach($Email in $Emails)
    # Constructing URL from the UPN/Email address
    $struser = $Email
    $pos= $strUser.IndexOf("@")
    $len = $struser.Length -1
    $strUser = $strUser.SubString(0, $pos)
    $strUser = $strUser -replace "\.", "_"
    $orgpos = $pos + 1
    $orglen = $len - $pos
    $strOrg = $Email.SubString($orgpos, $orglen)
    $strOrgNamePos = $strOrg.IndexOf(".")
    $strOrgName = $strOrg.SubString(0, $strOrgNamePos)
    $strOrgSuffixPos = $strOrgNamePos +1
    $strOrgNameLen = $strOrg.Length - $strOrgSuffixPos
    $strOrgSuffix = $strOrg.SubString($strOrgSuffixPos, $strOrgNameLen)
    $strOrg = $strOrg -replace "\.", "_"
    $PersonalOrgURL = "https://" + $strOrgName + ""
    $SiteUrl= $PersonalOrgURL + $strUser
    $SiteUrl= $SiteUrl+ "_" + $strOrg
    write-host "Verifying user:" $Email
$HTTP_Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($SiteUrl)
$HTTP_Request.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
$HTTP_Request.Credentials = $o365cred
try {
    $HTTP_Response = $HTTP_Request.GetResponse()
catch [System.Net.WebException] {
    $HTTP_Response = $_.Exception.Response
$HTTP_Status = $HTTP_Response.StatusCode
If ($HTTP_Status -eq 200 -or $HTTP_Status -eq 403 )   { 
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Site for user $Email exists!" 
Else {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "The OneDrive site for user $Email does not respond, try again later or provision it again"
$HTTP_Request = $null
$HTTP_Response = $null
$HTTP_Status = $Null

***** SCRIPT 1 ENDS HERE *****

If you have multiple email domain in your oranization, use this second script:
***** SCRIPT 2 STARTS HERE *****

# By Thomas Balkeståhl -
$O365Admin = read-host "Supply your Office 365 Admin username(UPN)"
# Add you admin account below, uncomment and comment out the line above to save time...
# $O365Admin = ""
$o365cred = Get-Credential -Username $O365Admin -Message "Supply a Office365 Admin"
$strO365OrgName = read-host "submit your O365 orgname (Only organization, like 'contoso')"
$Userlist = read-host "submit your list of users that have been provisioned"
$Userlist = $Userlist -replace " ", ""
$Emails = $userlist -split ","
#SPlitting list into Array
Foreach($Email in $Emails)
    # Constructing URL from the UPN/Email address
    $struser = $Email
    $pos= $strUser.IndexOf("@")
    $len = $struser.Length -1
    $strUser = $strUser.SubString(0, $pos)
    $strUser = $strUser -replace "\.", "_"
    $orgpos = $pos + 1
    $orglen = $len - $pos
    $strOrg = $Email.SubString($orgpos, $orglen)
    $strOrgNamePos = $strOrg.IndexOf(".")
    $strOrgName = $strOrg.SubString(0, $strOrgNamePos)
    $strOrgSuffixPos = $strOrgNamePos +1
    $strOrgNameLen = $strOrg.Length - $strOrgSuffixPos
    $strOrgSuffix = $strOrg.SubString($strOrgSuffixPos, $strOrgNameLen)
    $strOrg = $strOrg -replace "\.", "_"
    $PersonalOrgURL = "https://" + $strO365OrgName + ""
    $SiteUrl= $PersonalOrgURL + $strUser
    $SiteUrl= $SiteUrl+ "_" + $strOrg
    write-host "Verifying user:" $Email
$HTTP_Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($SiteUrl)
$HTTP_Request.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
$HTTP_Request.Credentials = $o365cred
try {
    $HTTP_Response = $HTTP_Request.GetResponse()
catch [System.Net.WebException] {
    $HTTP_Response = $_.Exception.Response
$HTTP_Status = $HTTP_Response.StatusCode
If ($HTTP_Status -eq 200 -or $HTTP_Status -eq 403 )   { 
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Site for user $Email exists!"
Else {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "The OneDrive site for user $Email does not respond, try again later or provision it again"
$HTTP_Request = $null
$HTTP_Response = $null
$HTTP_Status = $Null

***** SCRIPT 2 ENDS HERE *****

Example 1

Multiple emaildomains
O365 Orgname: contoso


Like you can see, the list contains users with different emaildomains, contoso and northwind. THe submitted O365 orgname is however used to verify the OneDrive site, contoso.
In this example, the user does not seem to have the OneDrive site provisioned.

Example 2

Single emaildomain


Like you can see, the list contains users with only contoso as emaildomain.
In this example, the user does not seem to have the OneDrive site provisioned. Try to provision again/verify manuelly.

References and Credits

Office 365 guide series – Provision OneDrive for Business using PowerShell


Credits & many thanks to

Jörgen Andersson, Xperta

Always, Mattias Gutke at CAG






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Office 365 guide series – Provision OneDrive for Business using PowerShell

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Hi SharePoint Online administrators!

This time I will show you how to:

Provision OneDrive for Business using only PowerShell.


Get the people up there…into the Clouds…(Liseberg, Gothenburg, Sweden)

Time to roll out OneDrive for Business in the Enterprise? Or maybe you just want to implement OneDrive for Business in a controlled way, and you may not be a hardcore developer either.

If you want to do any kind of preparation before letting the users into their OneDrives, then you will need to have them created/provisioned first, after that you can go ahead and give yourself permission (separate blogpost) and migrate a users files (separate blogpost), preconfigure, brand, and so on.
I have in this guide tried to offer a way to provision the OneDrive for Business to your users in a way that do not require you to know C#, Visual Studio or any development at all, how does that sound? All you need to do is follow this guide to the letter, and you will be sucessfull.

The only way I have found so far to provision a users OneDrive for Business as a administrator is to use code developed by the Office AMS Community Project. This includes among other things, a great Visual Studio sample Project for provisioning users OneDrive for business, and this is really spot on. But…it is not that easy to get going, for a non-developer it may prove to be impossible.

I have used code developed in the samples but I will only use PowerShell to execute it. This is what will make it easy for others (such as you?) to use.
The Office AMS Project also includes the SharePoint client assemblies needed to do anything with SPO using CSOM, Client Side Object Model(Code executed on the client).

In order to get started provisioning your users OneDrive for Business sites(or we can just as well call them MySites, since this is wat they really are…), you just follow these steps:


1. Download Download and unpack the Office App Model Samples from Codeplex, last tested version is currently 2.0 found here: DOWNLOAD Office AMS.
2. Get assemblies Locate the Microsoft.sharepoint.client assembles in the unpacked Office App Model Samples folders, located in <unpack location>\Office App Model Samples v2.0\Assemblies\16\ Copy the files Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles.dll and Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll and put them in a folder of your choice, I used C:\Temp\ in my sample. (You can also leave the files as is, but then you have to alter the PowerShell code to reference the path in the Office AMS folders)
3. Run the script In a PowerShell prompt/ISE running as admin, run the PowerShell script available below andHERE (Download as Word file), this will load the code needed to access SPO and start provisioning. (Verify and update if needed the $MyAssemblies line at the very bottom)
4. Execute Execute the code in your PowerShell prompt/ISE running as admin (It has to be the same prompt/ISE used to execute the script), use this syntax: Syntax: [OneDriveforBusiness.Provision]::Execute(<SharePointAdminURL>,<GlobalTenantAdminAccount>,<AdminAccountPassword>,<ListofUsersEmailSeparatedbyCommas>)
5. Done – Verify… Done! Verify that the sites have been provisioned by entering the address in your browser of choice.
References/Credits Reference links and credits


The detailed Guide:

1. Download


Download the latest version of SharePoint Server 2013 Client Components SDK x86 or x64. This SDK contains the dll’s needed.
During the install, the dll’s will be added to the following path:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\

Download the latest version (Office App Model Samples 2.0 – July 2014 – Update 1) of the Office App Model Samples, the Project has been renamed to the more formal Office365 Developer Patterns & Practices but it is still the same.
The last tested version is currently 2.0 found here: DOWNLOAD Office AMS


Back to Menu

2. Get the assemblies

Unpack the files to a location of choice. (The files will ironically enough not synch very well if stored in a OneDrive for Business synchronized folder – long path among other issues).
Locate the ‘assemblies\16’ folder, in this folder you will find the 3 files we need, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles.dll and Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll. Either you put these Three files in a better location, or you make a note of the path to the folder.

Back to Menu

3. Run the script

Start a PowerShell prompt/ISE running as administrator. This is where all the magic will happen. Copy the powershell script below, or download the scriptfile HERE (Word file), then add the script to the Prompt/ISE.
Before executing the script, you will need to alter one thing, the path to the assembly files. Update the line where we give a value to the $MyAssemblies to reflect where you have your SharePoint.client dll files. This is crucial since the code needs to be able to access these asseblies during execution.

$MyAssemblies = (‘C:\Temp\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll’,’C:\Temp\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll’,’C:\Temp\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles.dll’,’System’,’System.Security’)

Unless you have stored your SharePoint.client.dll’s in C:\Temp folder, you will have to update the Three paths to reflect where the files are stored. Example:

$MyAssemblies = (‘C:\Users\Thomas\Documents\Office App Model Samples v2.0\Assemblies\16\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll’,’C:\Users\Thomas\Documents\Office App Model Samples v2.0\Assemblies\16\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll’,’C:\Users\Thomas\Documents\Office App Model Samples v2.0\Assemblies\16\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles.dll’,’System’,’System.Security’)

Once this is done, you can go ahead and execute the script.

HERE (Download as Word file)

# By Thomas Balkeståhl - August 6 2014
# 1. Run script to load the C# code into the Assembly
# 2. Execute using the following syntax:
# Syntax:  [OneDriveforBusiness.Provision]::Execute(<SharePointAdminURL>,<GlobalTenantAdminAccount>,<AdminAccountPassword>,<ListofUsersEmailSeparatedbyCommas>)
# Example: PS C:\> [OneDriveforBusiness.Provision]::Execute("","","MyVerySecretPassWord1!",",,")
# Input:            
# adminurl = The Tenanat Admin URL for your SharePoint Online Subscription, example: "".
# adminuser = The Credentials of the user who has tenant admin permission, example: "".
# password = The password in cleartext to your tenant admin account(I know, not ideal...but it was a quick and dirty to make it work).
# users = The email IDs for users who's personal site you want to create in the form of a comma-separated string, example: ",,". Do not enter more than 200 users at a time.
$MyCSharpSource = @" 
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace OneDriveforBusiness
    public class ProvisionOneDrive
        public static void Execute(string adminurl, string adminuser, string password, string users)
            string siteUrl = adminurl;
            string userName = adminuser;
            SecureString pwd = GetPassword(password);
            string[] emailIds = GetEmailId(users);
            /* End Program if no Credentials */
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) || (pwd == null) || emailIds == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(siteUrl))
            SharePointOnlineCredentials _creds = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, pwd);
            CreatePersonalSiteUsingCSOM(_creds, siteUrl, emailIds);
        public static SecureString StringToSecure(string nonSecureString)
            SecureString _secureString = new SecureString();
            foreach (char _c in nonSecureString)
            return _secureString;
        // tenantAdminUrl = The Tenanat Admin URL for your SharePoint Online Subscription
        // spoCredentials = The Credentials of the user who has tenant admin permission.
        // emailIDs = The email IDs for users whos personal site you want to create.
        public static void CreatePersonalSiteUsingCSOM(SharePointOnlineCredentials spoCredentials, string tenantAdminUrl, string[] emailIDs)
            using (ClientContext _context = new ClientContext(tenantAdminUrl))
                    _context.AuthenticationMode = ClientAuthenticationMode.Default;
                    _context.Credentials = spoCredentials;
                    ProfileLoader _profileLoader = ProfileLoader.GetProfileLoader(_context);
                    Console.Write("Provisioning of the users supplied has been initiated, please allow for the provisioning to finish, this can take up to 5 minutes.");
                catch (Exception _ex)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Provisioning failed, find the problem and try again. The error message is {0}", _ex.Message));
        public static SecureString GetPassword(string password)
            SecureString sStrPwd = new SecureString();
            foreach (char ch in password) sStrPwd.AppendChar(ch);
            return sStrPwd;
        public static string[] GetEmailId(string users)
            string[] emailID;
                string Output = "Provisioning the supplied list of users: " + users;
                string emailInput = users;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailInput))
                    emailID = emailInput.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                    return emailID;
                    return null;
            catch (Exception e)
            return null;
$ass1 = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("c:\temp\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll") 
$ass2 = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("c:\temp\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll") 
$ass3 = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("C:\temp\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles.dll")
$MyAssemblies = @( $ass1.FullName, $ass2.FullName,$ass3.Fullname,"System","System.Core","System.Security")
Add-Type -ReferencedAssemblies $MyAssemblies -TypeDefinition $MyCSharpSource -Language CSharp -PassThru

HERE (Download as Word file)

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4 Executing the provisioning code


We have now loaded the code into memory (a .NET Framework class in your Windows PowerShell session), where it will be available just like if we had created a C# DLL and loaded it into the GAC. Remember though, the code is now static and connot be altered. If you need to make any Changes, have a look in the references section where I will show how to be able to alter the code after it has been loaded once.

Now, we have to call on the code laoded into memory, this is done from the same prompt/ISE used to load the code, the code only exists in that prompt session so it will not be available in any other prompt.

Use the following syntax to execute:

Syntax: [OneDriveforBusiness.ProvisionOneDrive]::Execute(<SharePointAdminURL>,<GlobalTenantAdminAccount>,<AdminAccountPassword>,<ListofUsersEmailSeparatedbyCommas>)

Example: PS C:\> [OneDriveforBusiness.ProvisionOneDrive]::Execute(“;,””,”MyVerySecretPassWord1!”,”,,”) 

What you need to supply when running the code, is your SharePoint online admin address, a tenent admin account and password, plus a list of emailadresses to the users that will be provisioned with a OneDrive for Business.

Start by typing in this:



What this does is call the code we just loaded from PowerShell, The Namespace is OneDriveforBusiness, the Class is ProvisionOneDrive and finally, the void or function is Execute.

<SharePointAdminURL>: The Admin address is available if you go the the Admin/SharePoint administration web. This will be visible in the address field of your browser:



Note the address:

<GlobalTenantAdminAccount>: An account that is a global Office 365 Tenant Administrator.
The account must have this setting in Office 365 Admin Center/Users & Groups – User object:


<AdminAccountPassword>: The password of the <GlobalTenantAdminAccount>. This will be entered in cleartext, not the ideal security solution but this is the only way I could solve it.
(Suggestions on how to prompt for the password in a secure way is welcome!)

<ListofUsersEmailSeparatedbyCommas>: This is the users that will have provisioned with OneDrive for Business. A list of UPN’s (User Principal Name) separated by commas. The UPN must be the one registered in Office 365. The UPN is in the form of a emailadress, for example: Enter the string using double quotes on both sides.

This is what the string should look like: “,,,,”

When you have all the values in order, type in the command with your parameters and execute the provisioning:

PS C:\PSScripts> [OneDriveforBusiness.ProvisionOneDrive]::Execute(“;,””,”**********”,””)

When executed ok, you will see this:


The limit for submitting users to be provisioned have been set by Microsoft to 200 at the time. This code do allow more but it will cause issues. Better to do them 200 at the time, wait unitl done and then do 200 more, alternatively, alter the code to include a check so that every user have been provisioned ok Before moving onto the next.

Now, you can execute the commend again and again. You can also use the code obviously for other tenants. Simple provide the commend with a different account, a different admin URL and you are good to go. Good luck!

Back to Menu

5. Done! Verify….

For a tool to verify your list of users directly, check out this guide: Office 365 guide series – Verify Provisioned OneDrives using PowerShell

Verify that the sites have been provisioned by browsing to the direct URL using your admin account. The URL will look like this:



Since you are using your admin account, you have access to the private part of the OneDrive/MySite.

Note: All the steps in this guide have been verified on a Windows 8.1 Update 1 machine, using PowerShell ISE and the Office AMS July 2014 Update 1. All tests have been done during August of 2014, the functionality of Office 365 may change over time and may thus cause this guide to fail. If this happens I will try to be alert and update the guide accordingly. 

Possible errors

1. You need to alter the script, then run the script again?

You have two choices if this happens, you have loaded the code once and you need to edit it and run again. If you do this you may get the error message saying that the ‘Type has already been added’ or similar. If you get this, simply restart your PowerShell prompt/ISE, OR, Change the name of the public class:


Add for example a number after, so that the class is called: ProvisionOneDrive1, then 2 and so on.

2. Nothing happens, no OneDrive shows up?

Verify all your values, then execute the command again. Remember though, that the time it takes for a site to show up may vary and can take up to 5 minuter PER SITE. Wait a moment longer, try it again

If you have the wrong address when verifying, you will see either of these pages depending on the URL used:

A link like:


A link like:


404 could also just mean that the site is in queue and has not been provisioned yet.

References and Credits

Stefan Gossners old post: Using CSharp (C#) code in Powershell scripts

Office365 Developer Patterns & Practices/Office App Model Samples

TechNet Add-Type

Credits & many thanks to

Kimmo Forss, Microsoft

Jörgen Andersson, Xperta

All the contributors of Office AMS

Always, Mattias Gutke at CAG

Stefan Gossner, Microsoft (Blog) for that short and concise post written a few years back.

My love for putting up with me while solving this problem and writing this post!





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Skydrive Pro availability and functionality chart


Wow! Skydrive Pro, what a great invention! (I know, It has been out there for a while already…)
I assume that you all know what Skydrive Pro is all about, but to just real short sum it up, SkyDrive Pro is:
A client application that allows a user to keep files synchronized between his device and his online SharePoint document library.

Now, the thing is, that apparently, you are not really supposed to run Skydrive pro unless you with that mean to it against anything but Office365…seems like this was meant to be but is slowly turning toward not meant to be…
I do realize that Office 365 is the future for Microsoft, but when such a great feature is available, and it must be a rather easy task to get the functionality dynamic so that you can connect to any webfolder, it is a shame that the support for running Skydrive Pro as a SharePoint onprem has so little support.

From my tests and research this is what works and what does not work:

Windows 8.x x64 Windows 8.x 32bit Windows 8.x RT Windows Phone IOS   Android   Mac OSX 
App to Onprem * No No No Yes No 3rd party No
Desktop to Onprem** Yes Yes No No No No No
App to Office 365 *** Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3rd party No
Desktop to Office 365 **** Yes Yes No No No No No

Please, do let me know if I am missing out on anything in the chart!

Windows 7 uses the same App and Desktop application as Windows 8x

* The App model with the possibility to connect to SharePoint 2013 Onprem
** A Desktop integrated application that connects to SharePoint 2013 Onprem
*** The App model with the possibility to connect to SharePoint Online/Office 365
**** A Desktop integrated application that connects to SharePoint Online/Office 365

So, if you want to make use of your internal onprem SharePoint 2013 farm for Skydrive Pro, you have to rely solely on Windows 8x or Windows Phone (Available in the Office hub)

The Skydrive pro desktop klient is available in Office 2013 versions as well, except for the Office 2013 for Windows RT

Skydrive pro requires SharePoint 2013 or Office 365 (Eligable subscriptions)
SharePoint 2010 works only with SharePoint Workspace on Windows OS


What is SkyDrive Pro?

What is SkyDrive Pro in SharePoint 2013 and how does it relate to SkyDrive?

How to setup SkyDrive Pro on Mac OSX




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