Office 365 News – Move and Copy files and folders in OneDrive for Business

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Now, finally, we can move and copy files within our OneDrive for Business web GUI


Some random document…

Some time, early 2015, Microsoft introduced the ability to move/copy files in OneDrive for Business. This has been one of the major obstacles for using OneDrive for Business as a E1 user without the Office applications installed locally. Or rather, as a Online only user no matter what license. As a long time SHarePoint user and technician, this is a long awaited feature in SHarePoint as well, so now I’m keeping my fingers crossed for this ‘simple’ little feature to appear there as well. (I do not for one second think that this has been easy to implement at all) In addition, the function is quick!

Want to see how it looks and works?

The following table lists the tested and verified behaviour of the Copy/Move functionality in OneDrive for Business:

Action Behavior Notes
Move File(s) Moves the selected file(s) to the designated target container Retains metadata Retains sharing Does not overwrite if filename exists, reports back error
Move Folder(s) Moves the selected folder(s) to the designated target container Recreates a new copy of the folder Retains sharing Does not overwrite if filename exists, reports back error
Copy File(s) Copies the selected file(s) to the designated target container Recreates a new copy of the file(s) with new metadata Does not retain sharing Does not overwrite if filename exists, reports back error
Copy Folder(s) Copies the selected folder(s) to the designated target container Recreates a new copy of the folder with new metadata Does not retain sharing Does not overwrite if filename exists, reports back error
Copy or Move in SharePoint N/A – ‘Send to’ a predetermined location is the closest we get in SharePoint Server or SharePoint Online N/A

How it looks in reality:

Move or Copy a single file


Move or Copy multiple files/folders


Select the target, check the ‘Copy’ box if you want to Copy and not Move


After copying/Moving, you will get a Little reciept in the top right corner





If one or many of the files allready exist at the target, they are not overwritten, not even with a new name or new version. You will instead get a note on this and the result


Now, we all hope for the same in SharePoint! Until it comes, we all to this ‘simple’ feature say: FINALLY!

References and Credits

None at this time…

Credits & many thanks to

Everyone!   SP2013logo




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Office 365 guide series – Manage files and folders with PowerShell and CSOM

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How to manage files and folders with PowerShell and CSOM


How can we manage these items…?

This is a pure guide to using PowerShell to manage and manipulate files and folders, libraries and all document management related tasks in a SharePoint Online or OneDrive for Business environment.

The sections in this guide are:

– Prerequisites
– Load assemblies
– Load a CSOM Context
– Web
– List/Library
– GetFileByServerRelativeUrl and GetForlderByServerRelativeUrl
– Create a file from a local copy
– Create a folder from a local copy
– Set properties on a file
– Set properties on a folder
– ResolveUser (Function)
– GetItemProperties (Function)


Before beeing able to do much in SharePoint Online or OneDrive for Business, you have to start using CSOM, or Client Side Object Model, this allows us to do pretty much everything we could do before using regular PowerShell and the SharePoint CMD’lets from the SharePoint PowerShell add-on.
Install assemblies:
Download and install ther latest version of the SharePoint Server 2013 Client Components SDK, this can be downloaded from here:
After the SDK and the CSOM assembly DLL’s are in place, make sure you load the assemblies before calling them.

Load assemblies

 Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
 Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"

This will open up for usage of CSOM in PowerShell.

Load a context

$SPOUser = ""
# Uses a hardcoded password, use only during test/lab:
$SPOPassword = convertto-securestring "Password01" -asplaintext -force
# Better: $SPOPassword = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter your password" -AsSecureString
$SPOODfBUrl = ""
$Context = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SPOODfBUrl)
$Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($SPOUser,$SPOPassword)
$Context.RequestTimeout = 16384000
$Context.Credentials = $Credentials

Returns: $Context


(Using $Context from the section on Context above)

$Web = $Context.Web

Returns: $Web


$SPODocLibName = "Documents"
$SPOList = $Web.Lists.GetByTitle($SPODocLibName)

Returns: $SPOList

GetFileByServerRelativeUrl and GetForlderByServerRelativeUrl

In order to use the ‘Get…ByServerRelativeUrl’ methods you have to supply a relative path to the file or folder, this means a path starting from the FQDN.

Example 1
ServerRelativeUrl: /get/fileorfolder/by/relative/url

Example 2
ServerRelativeUrl: /personal/firstname_lastname_company_com

Example file:


Example folder:


Create a file from a local copy

This can be accomplished in several ways, this is one:

$LocalFile = Get-ChildItem -path "C:\Homedirs\jeff\report1.xlsx"
$FolderRelativeUrl = $SPOList.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl
$FileName = $LocalFile.Name
$FileUrl = $FolderRelativeUrl + "/" + $FileName
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File]::SaveBinaryDirect($Web.Context, $fileUrl, $LocalFile.OpenRead(), $true)

Returns: New file created in SPO/ODfB

Create a folder from a local copy

$SPOFolder = $SPOList.RootFolder
$LocalFolder = Get-ChildItem -path "C:\Homedirs\jeff\" -Recurse -Include "folder1" 
$FolderName = $LocalFolder.Name
$NewFolder = $SPOFolder.Folders.Add($FolderName)

Returns: New folder created in SPO/ODfB

Set properties on a file

Input: $FileRelativeUrl, $SPOItemModifier, $SPOItemOwner, $ItemCreated, $ItemModified

$CurrentFile = $Context.web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl($FileRelativeUrl)
$ListItem = $CurrentFile.ListItemAllFields;
$ListItem["Editor"] = $SPOItemModifier; # Get object from ResolveUser
$Listitem["Author"] = $SPOItemOwner; # Get object from ResolveUser
$Listitem["Created"] = $ItemCreated;
$Listitem["Modified"] = $ItemModified;

Returns: Folder stamped with new properties in SPO/ODfB

Set properties on a folder

Input: $FolderRelativeUrl, , $SPOItemModifier, $SPOItemOwner, $ItemCreated, $ItemModified

$CurrentFolder = $Context.web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl($FolderRelativeURL)
$SPOFolderItem = $CurrentFolder.ListItemAllFields;
$SPOItemOwner = ResolveUser $UserEmail # For ResolveUser see separate function described later in this post
$SPOFolderItem["Editor"] = $SPOItemModifier # Must be a userobject, see 'ResolveUser'
$SPOFolderItem["Author"] = $SPOItemOwner # Must be a userobject, see 'ResolveUser'
$SPOFolderItem["Created"] = $ItemCreated # In the format: "8/10/2013 7:04 PM", see 'GetItemProperties'
$SPOFolderItem["Modified"] = $ItemModified # In the format: "8/10/2013 7:04 PM", see 'GetItemProperties'

Returns: Folder stamped with new properties in SPO/ODfB

ResolveUser (Function)

Function ResolveUser ($InputUPN)
# Resolves a user to a userobject
    $OutputUserObject = $Web.Context.web.EnsureUser($InputUPN)
    Return $OutputUserObject

Returns: UserObject for $InputUPN (UserPrincipalName/Email)

GetItemProperties (Function)

Function GetItemProperties ($InFileObject)
# Gets basic properties to set on files and folders
    $Global:ItemCreated = $InFile.CreationTime
    $Global:ItemModified = $InFile.LastWriteTime

Returns: Global: Variables for ItemCreated and LastWriteTime of $InFileObject (File or Folder)

Thats all for now, I hope that you let me know if there is anything that seems to be wrong or does not work. The problem with describing all this in a complete way, is that it is easy to leave something out and it is also difficult to test every aspect while writing. Time is limited for all of us…
Anyway, my goal was to write a post that covered what I was myself missing…I hope that this is it. And again, please let me know if there are any mistakes in here.

References and Credits

None at this time…

Credits & many thanks to

LabCenter – you guys always publish my articles!

My family, my parents, Ia and the kids!





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Office 365 News – New document now supports Content types in SharePoint Online

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‘new document’ now supports Content types in SharePoint Online

Thank you Microsoft, Content types just got user friendly and easy to use and promote!


The new- new document dialog

Before yesterday, I knew that the ‘new document’ button in a document library became useless when you enabled Content types in a document library. This has for me and many of my customers been a huge drawback since the ‘new document’ button was still there, in plain view and for the regular user, what they were meant to use.

This old behavious was that when you pressed on ‘new document’ in a document library with multiple content types, you got the upload document dialog.

Upload dialog2

Old behaviour

What I was so glad to discover yesterday, during a live demo at a customer, that this has been fixed now in SPO! Instead of the upload dialog, I could now get this:



One down!
Next step, make content types available to Office Online…(They still seem to require the Office Applications installed on the client, nothing for E1 users or less in other words…)
I would also like the new folder option back with the content types 🙂

References and Credits

None at this time…

Credits & many thanks to

Cramo, this is where I did the demo when this change presented itself to me! A pleasure to work with you guys!






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Office 365 News – Unannounced Microsoft change to SharePoint Online access

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Microsoft recently made a change to the way users can access SharePoint Online, this may affect many thousands of customers without them knowing…


It has been disclosed to me that Microsoft has implemented a change on all Office 365 tenants to the way an unlicensed user can access SharePoint Online services…in a bad way…

Previously, the behaviour was that if you did not give a user a the SharePoint license in Office 365, the user could not access SharePoint.
This is the expected behaviour and this is how most companies restricted access to SharePoint Before they were ready to offer the service to their organizations.
This is no more, or at least not the current behaviour…Microsft has ‘temporarily’ made a change that allows ALL users, with a license or not to have access to all SharePoint Services.
The imidiate affect may be that your organization sleeps safely in the belief that SHarePoint may not be accessed, except by you in IT or by a limited number of individuals, meanwhile, the users go crazy and start using SharePoint in ways you never intended…

Well, this is something I don’t like, I would like this change to be limited to the ones who specifically asked for it, and if you needed it, you could request it, not the other way around.

Note 1: If you find that you do not want this behaviour, you want access only to your licensed users. Open a Service Request with Microsoft and ask them to change it back, they will help you then.

Note 2: The change does not affect OneDrive for Business, unprovisioned users do not get access to their ODfB without the SharePoint license.

The reason given by Microsoft representatives is this: Microsoft recognizes assigning licenses to users that are synced to the O365 services is cumbersome for larger tenants, to alleviate this pain point; a temporary change has been released to SharePoint Online that will allow users to access SharePoint Online even without license.’


References and Credits

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Office 365 News – Newly Introduced security feature in SPO hides the Web Designer Galleries

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Newly introduced security feature in SharePoint Online hides the Web Designer Galleries, Save site as template and a lot more too…

AdminSPO Admin setting (with a dead link)

During the end of 2014, beginning of 2015, a new security feature in SharePoint Online has been rolled out. The feature in itself is great, it has been introduced to (From the SharePoint admin interface):

Control whether users can run custom script on personal sites and self-service created sites.  Note: changes to this setting might take up to 24 hours to take effect.

What is good to know without Reading too much on this feature, is that these things for example will be missing:

Site feature Behavior Notes
Save Site as Template No longer available in Site Settings. You can still build sites from templates created before scripting was disabled.
Save document library as template No longer available in Library Settings. You can still build document libraries from templates created before scripting was disabled.
Solution Gallery No longer available in Site Settings. You can still use solutions created before scripting was disabled.
Theme Gallery No longer available in Site Settings. You can still use themes created before scripting was disabled.
Help Settings No longer available in Site Settings. You can still access help file collections available before scripting was disabled.
Sandbox solutions Solution Gallery will not appear in the Site Settings so you can’t add, manage, or upgrade sandbox solutions. You can still run sandbox solutions that were deployed before scripting was disabled.
SharePoint Designer Site Pages: No longer able to update web pages that are not HTML.Handling List: Create Form and Custom Action will no longer work.Subsites: New Subsite and Delete Site redirect to the Site Settings page in the browser. Data Sources: Properties button is no longer available. You can still open data sources.

For a good detailed description of what the feature does, have a look here. It affects mostly Everything and since it is activated by default, a lot of settings and functionality is suddenly missing. The feature has two ‘levels’, for personal sites and for self service created sites. (for me, it affects all site Collections)

Turn scripting capabilities on and off (Microsoft support article)

The feature in itself is great, but perhaps, since it removes so much of the default functionality, it should have been left off be default? Or, would cause some kind of popup to all affected users?

Well, it is here now anyway…lets consider the feature a great idea, it increases the built in security of SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business!

The complete list of settings affected and webparts missing: Save Site as Template, Save document library as template, Solution Gallery, Web Designer Galleries, Theme Gallery, Help Settings, Sandbox solutions, the Blog Archives, Blog Notifications, Blog tools Blog Webparts, the Business Data Actions, Business Data Item, Business Data Item Builder, Business Data List, Business Data Related List, Excel Web Access, Indicator Details, Status List, Visio Web Access Business Data Webparts, the About This Community, Join, My Membership, Tools, What’s Happening Community Webarts, the Categories, Project Summary, Relevant Documents, RSS Viewer, Site Aggregator, Sites in Category, Term Property, Timeline, WSRP Viewer, XML Viewer Content Rollup Webparts, the Document Set Contents, Document Set Properties Document Sets Webparts, the HTML Form Webpart, the Content Editor, Script Editor, Silverlight Webpart Media and Content Webparts, the Refinement, Search Box, Search Navigation, Search Results Search Webparts, the Catalog-Item Reuse Search-Driven Content Webparts and the Contact Details, Note Board, Organization Browser, Site Feed, Tag Cloud, User Tasks Social Collaboration Webparts.

References and Credits

None at this time…

Credits & many thanks to

Everyone!   SP2013logo _________________________________________________________ Enjoy!


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Office 365 guide series – 101 ways to share a document

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101 ways to share a document.

Fellow SharePoint lovers! (And OneDrive for Business…)


Share the Love

More and more individuals and organizations are starting to realize the beauty of OneDrive for Business, the way it allows you to be always up to date and to be able to always access your information no matter where you are or on what device you are on.

This article will delve© into detail on how you can keep the information in one place, instead of spreading multiple copies and versions around like we have always done using email as the sharing method of choice (Not to mention USB sticks). As you all most likely know, every time you send an email with an attachment of one of your files, a new copy and possible a new version of that document is created, it happens out of your control as well and this is not something that we want, it has simply been the only way to share, externally for sure and internally it has been the easiest way for the lazy.

Now, what has changed? What’s new? What’s so special with OneDrive for Business so that we can share thru some kind of Microsoft magic and files never have to be sent in email? What’s up with that? Well, implementing OneDrive for Business as a part of Office 365 is one step, you can however still work like you always have…removing the old Home directory and the Shared folders is another. You can however still work like you always have, sending attachments using email, but, these steps will allow you and your coworkers to adopt a new way of doing things, a better more secure and controlled way to work.


Traditional sharing, send a copy of the original to each user, same as when printing a letter and posting it…


Modern sharing, one original, no copies. Everyone reads or edits the same file.

As you all also probably know and think right now, there are other cloud services that can do this and yes, I agree, but if you have invested in Office 365 already, then you get OneDrive for Business with 1TB (!) storage for free (or it is included in the price but free sounds better, and compared to using a different service like dropbox or box, then it IS free). You have a single sign on between the different applications in Office 365 and if you have implemented ADFS, then you will even have single sign on from your PC. Yes, I know that storage will be unlimited soon…but honestly, 1TB IS unlimited…

But enough of that, now I will show you where you can share a document from your OneDrive for business.

First off, there is a setting that are configured globally in the SharePoint admin portal of Office 365 that we need to know about.


External Sharing, there are 3 levels to select from. Can be set on the tenant or per Site collection. This setting can only be configured by a Global Office 365 Administrator.
The third level means anonymous access…(No! You really shouldn’t)


(Note also that if you restrict sharing on the tenant, then you cannot allow it on the site collection level) When these are set, you can start sharing.

There are a lot of places to do this for the mobile OneDrive for Business user


– OneDrive for Business Online
– OneDrive for Business Offline (from the local cache)
– The Office Applications
– The OneDrive for Business mobile app (Windows Phone, IOS, Android)
– Office Mobile (Windows Phone, IOS, Android) only shares a link, does not grant access
– Outlook Online (formerly known as Outlook Web Access)

It is more or less the same experience everywhere, the web dialog for sharing a document looks like this, from here you can share with internal users as well as external users, and all you need is an email address.

OneDrive for Business Online


Click SHARE then select how to share, or select the document(s) and click on the Share ‘button’


The dialog then looks like this


As you can see, the checkbox for ‘Require sign-in’ is checked by default, unchecking that allows anonymous access to this document.
This checkbox is only available if anonymous sharing is enabled at the tenant and at the site collection level.

The names can be internal users by name or email address, it can be external users by email or it can be everyone.


The permission level can also be set here, they speak for themselves. (Note that sharing with edit allows the recipient to in turn share with or without edit)


You can type in a message, this will be the text in the email that is sent to the recipient


Under SHOW OPTIONS you have the option to not send an email at all.


The recipient receives an email with this content


Clicking the link takes the user straight to the shared file, in its location.

Under Shared with, you can see who currently has access to this document.


When a document is shared, you can also see that the little user icon is replaced to show that someone else besides you now also has access to this document or this file.


Unshare the file again by clicking on that icon and in the Shared with dialog, select Stop sharing and save Changes.


After a quick refresh, you will see that the little icon is back to the Padlock.


This is how you share things in the OneDrive for Business Online, it is very similar in SharePoint Online (A few exceptions like unsharing differs).

The rest you will know when you see them:

The OneDrive for Business Offline (from the local cache)


The Office Applications


The OneDrive for Business mobile app (Windows Phone, IOS, Android)


Office Mobile, Word, Excel, PowerPoint (Windows Phone, IOS, Android) only shares a link, does not grant access


Outlook Online (formerly known as Outlook Web Access)



Select Share with OneDrive (They really should stop confusing the business version with the consumer version…)


Apply the proper permission level, read or read/write



Note that the file is not sent as an attachment unless you specifically choose to do so. It only looks like an attachment, the file never leaves your personal OneDrive for Business.

And, to sum it all up, a message from inside Outlook Online:




References and Credits

None at this time…

Credits & many thanks to

LabCenter – you guys always publish my articles!

Mattias Gutke at Xperta

My family.





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Office 365 guide series – Information Rights Management in SharePoint Online


Hi folks, long time no blogging…

A lot has happened in my life since I last updated my blog, I switched jobs so I have a slightly new focus now in my workplace, it has shifted more against SharePoint Online and Office 365. Say what you want about the cloud service named Office 365 but Microsoft is determined…to make it work and piece by piece it gains in value.

One of the great things offered in Office 365 that is also part of the SharePoint Online offering, is Information Rights Management. Thru the use of the other cloud service Azure Rights Management Service (Azure RMS), real IRM protection can be offered to all SharePoint Online customers on the adequate subscription plan. There is still a lot to be done with the service, but as is, it is way, WAY better than nothing, which is what most people have available today in their current solution. IRM or RMS is available to all customers with an onpremises solution as well, but setting RMS up is a challenge for any administrator. In SharePoint online, you will have it up and running in a total of 5 clicks…(depending on what you count as a click…)


IRM – Its all about stopping unwanted access

And what is so great about this IRM, RMS or DRM you may wonder? A beloved child has many names (Old saying in Sweden), well…it is fantastic. IRM offers you the possibility to set a policy on documents (and email messages) that allows you to specify what the user may or may not do with the document, you may also specify exactly what user or grop may or may not read, write, print, download and so on. The really great thing with IRM is that even if you put a document on a USB drive and someone gets their hand on that USB drive, they still need to authenticate against the Azure RMS service before getting any access at all to the document, and even then, what you may do is controlled by the IRM policy. You are in Control of the data even after the document leaves your controlled environment…not bad huh?

So, how is all this greatness achieved you ask? Well, I will not go into all the magic behind the scenes in this post, but I will show you how you can do it yourself, in your current Office 365 tenant or if you prefer, in an evaluation tenant to avoid the risk of affecting your users (which is virtually impossible anyway but just as a precaution…and to make your bosses feel safe).
Lets get started, jump drectly to a section using the links below:

 The complete guide to enabling IRM protection in a SharePoint document library Jump straigt to the guide, a step by step on how you implement RMS and IRM protection in SharePoint Online.
 Who gets access to RMS, license plans listed Get the list of what subscription plan includes RMS and what does not.
 What works and what doesn’t? The cmplete list of supported OS’s and Applications that support Azure RMS and the ones that do no yet support Azure RMS.
 About the IRM/RMS technology – How does it work, what does it do? The functionality explained.
 References/Links – Find the information online Link to when you get all the info you need in the sometimes difficult Microsoft TechNet way…


The complete guide to enabling IRM protection in a SharePoint document library

This is done in four steps:
– Activate Azure RMS in the Office 365 administration portal.
– Activate RMS in SharePoint online
– Create and set a IRM policy in a document library
– Quickly verify your Information Rights Management

Step 1. Activate Azure RMS in the Office 365 administration portal.

1.1 Log on to your Offcie 365 tenant as a global administrator, go to the Office 365 admin center. You will find the shortcut in the admin dropdown.

O365 admin 0x

1.2 The Office 365 admin center

O365 admin 1

1.3 Now select on the lefthand menu, service settings

O365 admin 2x

1.4 In the top menu select ‘rights management’

O365 admin 3x

1.5 Click on the link to Manage your ‘Azure Rights Management’

O365 admin 4x

1.6 This is where you leave your Office 365 tenant, note the URL you now se in your browsers address field:

O365 admin 5x

1.7 In Azure RMS you will be met by this text saying that yiou have not activated Rights Management yet.

Azure RMS 1x

1.8 In order to activate the RM feature, click on ‘activate’…DUH! Then click on ‘activate’ again…if you are absolutely sure…

Azure RMS 2x

1.9 Wait for it….

Azure RMS 3

1.10 Now you should see this, A nice green checkmark telling you that Rights Managemen has been activated.

Azure RMS 4x

1.11 Done! Now you can move on with activating Rights Management in your SharePoint Online admin portal. The steps you have now taken makes the RMS service available in all parts of your Office 365 tenant, like in Exchange, SharePoint (and Lync).
(As you can see, you can lso make some additional configurations of RMS, for example you can create your own custom policys, fr some reason though, you are required to sign up for a separate Azure RMS suscription for this…the link to where you sign up is added to the page to make things simpler for you)


Step 2. Activate RMS in SharePoint online

2.1 Go to the SharePoint administration portal. Find the shortcut in the Admin dropdown.

SP admin 0x

2.2 In the lefthand pane, select Settings.

SP admin 1x

2.3 Scroll downto the section named ‘Information Rights Management (IRM)’

SP admin 2

2.4 Under Information Rights Management (IRM), on the right side, select ‘Use the IRM service specified in your configuration’

SP admin 3x

2.5 Click on the ‘Refresh IRM Settings’ button. (Buttons…welll…maybe they are touch buttons?)

SP admin 41x

2.6 In ashort while, you will see the text ‘We successfully refreshed your settings’ below the button.

SP admin 4xx

2.7 Done! This means that IRM functionality has been enabled in your SharePoint Online tenant and the IRM settings will now be available in SharePoint.

Note! If you have not previously activated IRM in your Office 365 admin portal, then you will see this massage instead:SP admin 42xIf that is the case, simply go back to Step 1 in this guide and activate IRM in Office 365 first.



Step 3. Create and set a IRM policy in a document library

3.1 Go to a site in your SharePoint Online site collection of choice (can be the rootsite or a subsite), go to a document library (default is probably ‘Documents’).
Now, click on the ‘Library’ tab.



3.2 To the right in the ribbon, click on ‘Library Settings’


3.3 Click on ‘Information Rights Management’


3.4 This is the Information Rights settings for the current Document Library, what you change here will only affect this document library and the documents in it. Remember though, that what you change here will affect ALL documents in this library, in all folders, of all types. By default, IRM is disabled and has no affect at all.


3.5 What you see here, is only the name and the description and the activate button. In order to see more of the settings, click on SHOW OPTIONS. This offers all the settings that are currently available for a document library in SharePoint Online.
Start now by giving your policy a name and type in a description, this is what will be shown to the user, so its better to use a good explainatory description.


3.6 Click on ‘SHOW OPTIONS’. Configure what the policy is and what is allowed and what isn’t. For the sake of easily verifying the functionality, only configure that the document cannot be opened in a browser. In the first section, ‘Set additional IRM library settings’ check the box to prevent the documents from opening in the browser.


3.7 The two other sections has even more options, ‘Configure document access rights’…


3.8 …and ‘Set group protection and credentials interval’.


3.9 When you have configurd the policy like you want it, hit Ok.


3.10 Done! All document in your library are now protected uing the IRM policy you configred. THat IRM is used cannot be seen unless you have access to the IRM setting in the Library Settings. What a regular user can see, is the effect of the policy alone.

3.11 Whithout the policy activated you get a preview of the document(offered by Office Web Apps) and the option to view and edit in browser like below:





3.12 When the policy has been activated, you do not get any preview and the view and edit in browser options are gone.




3.13 You are now done, your document library is IRM protected using Azure Rights Management Service.


Step 4. Quickly verify your Information Rights Management

4.1 Upload a Word document to the document library. (Your document is now IRM protected)

4.2 Click on Edit, you should be prompted to download the document. Cancel the dialog.

4.3 Click on the three dots, you should see a notice that a preview is prevented by RMS.

4.4 You will also notice that the dropdown many does not offer any choice to open in browser or preview in browser.

4.5 Done!


Note: A good bestpractise is to Always verify that your IRM protection policy is activated and works as expected. Some settings must be tested using a Office client application andsome can be tested onin like in this scnario.

Who gets access to RMS, license plans listed

Licensing option Office 365 Small Business Office 365 Small Business Premium Office 365 Midsize Business Office 365 Enterprise E2Office 365 Education A2 Office 365 Enterprise E3Office 365 Education A3Office 365 Government G3 Office 365 Enterprise E4Office 365 Education A4Office 365 Government G4 Office 365 Enterprise K1 SharePoint Plan 2 Exchange Online Plan 2
Information Rights Protection (IRM) No No No No Yes Yes No No No

Like you can see, far from all license plans include RMS.

In addition to the Ofice 35 subscptions that include RMS, there is also a RMS for individuals subscription that will allow a user outside of the organization to open and access IRM protected documents from an organizaton that uses IRM protection using RMS.

Note: If you have a subscription plan that does not include RMS, like a Office 65 E1 or E2, then you can get the RMS functionality as an add-on from Micosoft (Azure RMS Standalone). Talk to you account represenative or your LAR/license vendor. This optio cos a lot less than to upgrade to a E3 plan simply for the RMS functionalty.

What works and what doesn’t?

So, we wat to use RMS and IRM protection, but what is supported, can we use it whereever we want and whenever we want? No, you can’t…
There are some things that work and sometings that don’t work, I have tried to list them all blow, as time goes by, Micrsoft will most likely subtract from the No list and add to the Yes list *.

Implementation Supports Azure RMS
Operating Systems
Windows 7 Professional SP0 Yes
Windows 7 Enterprise SP0 Yes
Windows 7 Ultimate SP0 Yes
Windows 7 Professional SP1 Yes
Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 Yes
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Yes
Windows 8 Pro Yes
Windows 8 Enterprise Yes
Windows 8.1 Pro Yes
Windows 8.1 Enterprise Yes
Mac OS X (minimum 10.7, Lion) Yes
Mobile Devices
Windows Phone 8 Yes
Android 4.0.3 Yes
iOS 6.0 Yes
Windows 8 RT Yes
Windows 8.1 RT Yes
Office 365
Office Professional Plus 2013 Yes
Office Professional 2010 (With RMS addon) Yes
Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 No
Microsoft Office for iPad No
Microsoft OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive) No
Microsoft OneDrive for Business (formerly SkyDrive Pro) No (!)
Sharing Applications
Minimum OS version of Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Yes
For Mac OS No
On premise Servers
Exchange 2013 Yes
Exchange 2010 Yes
SharePoint Server 2013 Yes
SharePoint Server 2010 Yes
Windows Server 2012 (FCI) Yes
Windows Server 2012 R2 (FCI) Yes

* I asume that all else not listed here does not support Azure RMS.

The RMS connector is supported on Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2008 R2.

About the IRM/RMS technology – How does it work, what does it do?

(This section is a direct quote from Microsoft, they actually have a pretty good short and to the point explaination here.)

What is Azure Rights Management:

Azure Rights Management lets you encrypt and assign usage restrictions to content when your organization subscribes to Microsoft online services. Rights Management helps protect content that is created and exchanged by using Microsoft Office as well as other applications or services that have been updated to integrate with the Rights Management service. By implementing a cloud-based rights management service, Rights Management provides an alternative for organizations seeking information protection capabilities within Microsoft Office 365.

Rights management provides the following:

Safeguards sensitive information
Applications and services such as Microsoft Office 2010 and Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013, SharePoint Online and Microsoft Exchange Online are enabled to help safeguard sensitive information. Users and administrators can define who can open, modify, print, forward, or take other actions with the information. Organizations are provided usage policy templates such as “Company Confidential – Read Only” that can be applied directly to the information.

Provides persistent protection
Rights Management persists protection of file data when at rest and in motion. Once information is locked, only trusted entities that were granted usage rights under the specified conditions (if any) can unlock or decrypt the information.

Supports closer management of usage rights and conditions
Organizations and individuals can assign usage rights and conditions using rights management that define how a specific trusted entity can use rights-protected content. Examples of usage rights are permission to read, copy, print, save, forward, and edit. Usage rights can be accompanied by conditions, such as when those rights expire.

Integrates rights management with Office 365
Rights Management is integrated with SharePoint Online, Exchange Online, and other Office 2010 and Office Professional Plus 2013 applications to provide rights management functionality across the Microsoft Office suite.


Office 365 Information Protection using Azure Rights Management

Set up Information Rights Management (IRM) in SharePoint admin center

Azure Rights Management

Administering Azure Rights Management by Using Windows PowerShell

Requirements for Azure Rights Management

Cloud subscriptions that support Azure RMS







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The Iphone Apps of SharePoint Online and Office 365

 Office365logo       SP2013logo

Greetings SharePoint Online users!

This time I will shed some light on what Microsoft have made available for the Iphone users out there. I’m usng different phones over time, but I have an Iphone and I discovered that there is actually quite a lot you can do from and on the Iphone that is SharePoint Online related (Only focusing on the supported Microsoft realesed here)
In this post I will try to list them all and write a bit about what you can do with them.

This is the list of SharePoint Online related apps available (2014-03-23)

OneDrive  Office  Newsfeed  OneNote  Admin  OWA  RMS

1. OneDrive for Business (Formarly SkyDrive Pro)
2. Office Mobile for Office 365 Subscribers
3. SharePoint Newsfeed
4. Microsoft OneNote for Iphone
5. Office 365 Admin
6. OWA for Iphone
7. Microsoft Rights Management Sharing

Lets start to show what you can see in the App store where they are all available as free downloads, first one out is OneDrive for Business. This is not a Deep dive into technology or functionality or detailed feature sets, but rather a listing of what is available, see what can be done in the gui, the next step is your own, download the apps and try them out for yourselves.

Good luck!

1. OneDrive for Business (Formarly known as SkyDrive Pro)


OneDrive15  OneDrive4  OneDrive2  OneDrive3

This is as good as they get, you can easily access your personal and shared files at any time (Located in your MySite or other organizational sites within the Office 365 tenant). OneDrive for Business will keep your OneDrive files in synch at all times and available online or offline.
OneDrive for Business or SkyDrive Pro as it was originally called, is the shit, no doubt about it.

2. Office Mobile for Office 365 Subscribers

Office for 365 1

Office for 365 2  Office for 365 3  Office for 365 4  Office for 365 5  Office for 365 6

These are the classical Office application, do some final Changes or touch ups, create the files you need while on the road without any Computer. This is a complete ‘mini Office’ compatible with Office 365.

3. SharePoint Newsfeed

SHarePoint Newsfeed 1

SHarePoint Newsfeed 2  SHarePoint Newsfeed 3  SHarePoint Newsfeed 4  SHarePoint Newsfeed 5  SHarePoint Newsfeed 6

SharePoint Newsfeed, follow what is happening in your organizations social and Corporate newsfeeds. This app will make sure that you are up to date at all times.

4. Microsoft OneNote for Iphone

OneNote 1

OneNote 6  OneNote 2  OneNote 3  OneNote 4  OneNote 5

OneNote…if you don’t use it today, start using it! It is a really really good companion in your daily work, not sure if the App can replace the real application, but you can read and edit your OneNote files in your phone, how cool is that?

5. Office 365 Admin

365 Admin

365 Admin4  365 Admin5  365 Admin6  365 Admin2  365 Admin3

For the Office 365 Administrator, or for the partners out there monitoring the Office 365 tenants for customers, this is the best app of them all(except for OneDrive for Business obviously). In the Admin ‘hub’ you can get the status of all the services in your Office 365 tenant. You see all the major services status on the start page, then you can drill down to what is failing, which Component has the issue, and you can read the log from the Microsoft maintenance staff, what they are doing to solve the issue. This is great. If onluy you could add users and reset their passwords as well…but you can’t get Everything. A good monitor/dashboard from Microsoft this anyway.

6. OWA for Iphone

OWA for Iphone

OWA for Iphone6  OWA for Iphone2  OWA for Iphone3  OWA for Iphone4  OWA for Iphone5

Well, no need to explain, this is the OWA (Outlook Web App, not Office Web Apps) experience in your Iphone. You get email, calendar and Contacts in your hand. In a familiar format.

7. Microsoft Rights Management Sharing



Microsoft Rights Management Sharing. Well…this is what it says, use the App to set IRM protection on files and to open IRM protected files. IRM protected files, and you can access them on your Iphone, who would have thought…?

Ok, thats it. These are the Apps on the Iphone that are related in one or many ways to SharePoint Online, or at least to Office 365. They are all written by Microsoft Corporation and they are free to download from the App store.


See Appstore in your Iphone, search for Microsoft Corporation and you will find them all.





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Skydrive Pro availability and functionality chart


Wow! Skydrive Pro, what a great invention! (I know, It has been out there for a while already…)
I assume that you all know what Skydrive Pro is all about, but to just real short sum it up, SkyDrive Pro is:
A client application that allows a user to keep files synchronized between his device and his online SharePoint document library.

Now, the thing is, that apparently, you are not really supposed to run Skydrive pro unless you with that mean to it against anything but Office365…seems like this was meant to be but is slowly turning toward not meant to be…
I do realize that Office 365 is the future for Microsoft, but when such a great feature is available, and it must be a rather easy task to get the functionality dynamic so that you can connect to any webfolder, it is a shame that the support for running Skydrive Pro as a SharePoint onprem has so little support.

From my tests and research this is what works and what does not work:

Windows 8.x x64 Windows 8.x 32bit Windows 8.x RT Windows Phone IOS   Android   Mac OSX 
App to Onprem * No No No Yes No 3rd party No
Desktop to Onprem** Yes Yes No No No No No
App to Office 365 *** Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3rd party No
Desktop to Office 365 **** Yes Yes No No No No No

Please, do let me know if I am missing out on anything in the chart!

Windows 7 uses the same App and Desktop application as Windows 8x

* The App model with the possibility to connect to SharePoint 2013 Onprem
** A Desktop integrated application that connects to SharePoint 2013 Onprem
*** The App model with the possibility to connect to SharePoint Online/Office 365
**** A Desktop integrated application that connects to SharePoint Online/Office 365

So, if you want to make use of your internal onprem SharePoint 2013 farm for Skydrive Pro, you have to rely solely on Windows 8x or Windows Phone (Available in the Office hub)

The Skydrive pro desktop klient is available in Office 2013 versions as well, except for the Office 2013 for Windows RT

Skydrive pro requires SharePoint 2013 or Office 365 (Eligable subscriptions)
SharePoint 2010 works only with SharePoint Workspace on Windows OS


What is SkyDrive Pro?

What is SkyDrive Pro in SharePoint 2013 and how does it relate to SkyDrive?

How to setup SkyDrive Pro on Mac OSX




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