Export a document library using Export-SPWeb and itemurl


(This is my better version of the TechNet articles on the same CMDlet that does a poor job with the details, I hope that it will help some of you)
SharePoint 2010 | SharePoint 2013
Applies to:  SharePoint Foundation 2010 | SharePoint Server 2010 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Server 2013 

Exports a site, list, or library.

Export-SPWeb [-Identity] <GUID/Name/SPWeb object> -Path <String> [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>] [-CompressionSize <Int32>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-HaltOnError <SwitchParameter>] [-HaltOnWarning <SwitchParameter>] [-IncludeUserSecurity <SwitchParameter>] [-IncludeVersions <LastMajor | CurrentVersion | LastMajorAndMinor | All>] [-ItemUrl <String>] [-NoFileCompression <SwitchParameter>] [-NoLogFile <SwitchParameter>] [-UseSqlSnapshot <SwitchParameter>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]


Export-SPWeb http://site –Path "c:\temp\site export.cmp" -ItemURL "/subsite/documents"

This example exports the document library at http://site/subsite/documents to a new file called ‘site export.cmp' in the ‘C:\temp’ directory.





Identity Required Specifies the URL or GUID of the Web to be exported. The type must be either
– a valid GUID, in the form ‘12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890bcdefgh’
– a valid name of a SharePoint site (for example, MySPSite1)
or a URL: http://blog.blksthl.com
or an instance of a valid SPWeb object
Path Required Specifies the name of the export file. If the -NoFileCompression parameter is used, a directory must be specified; otherwise, any file format is valid.
Example: “c:\temp\exportedsite.cmp” or with the -NoFileCompression “c:\temp\exportedsite\”
AssignmentCollection Optional Manages objects for the purpose of proper disposal. Use of objects, such as SPWeb or SPSite, can use large amounts of memory and use of these objects in Windows PowerShell scripts requires proper memory management. Using the SPAssignment   object, you can assign objects to a variable and dispose of the objects after they are needed to free up memory. When SPWeb, SPSite, or SPSiteAdministration objects are used, the objects are automatically disposed of if an assignment collection or the Global parameter is not used.

When the Global parameter is used, all objects are contained in the global store. If objects are not immediately used, or disposed of by using the Stop-SPAssignment command, an out-of-memory scenario can occur.
CompressionSize Optional Sets the maximum file size for the compressed export files. If the total size of the exported package is greater than this size, the exported package will be split into multiple files.
Confirm Optional Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command. For more information, type the following   command: get-help about_commonparameters
Force Optional -Force Forcefully overwrites the export package if it already exists.The type must be either of the following values:
FalseThe default value is False.
HaltOnError Optional Stops the export process when an error occurs.
HaltOnWarning Optional Stops the export process when a warning occurs.
IncludeUserSecurity Optional Preserves the user security settings except for SPLists that have broken inheritance and item level   permissions set.
(Use Import-SPWeb with –IncludeUserSecurity to preserve security on import)
IncludeVersions Optional Indicates the type of file and list item version history to be included in the export operation. If the
-IncludeVersions parameter is absent, the Export-SPWeb cmdlet by default uses a value of CurrentVersion. The type must be any one of the following versions:
LastMajor “Last major version for files and list items (default)”
CurrentVersion “The current version, either the last major version or the last minor version”
LastMajorAndMinor “Last major and last minor version for files and list items”
All “All versions for files and list items”
ItemUrl Optional Specifies the relative path to the object to be exported. Can also be a GUIDThe type must be a valid relative path, for example, /Subsite/Documents
or a valid GUID in the form: 12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890bcdefgh
NoFileCompression Optional Either enables or disables file compression in the export package. The export package is stored in the   folder specified by the Path parameter or Identity parameter. We recommend that you use this parameter for performance reasons. If compression is enabled, the export process can increase by approximately 30 percent.
NoLogFile Optional Suppresses the generation of an export log file. If this parameter is not specified, the Export-SPWeb   cmdlet will generate an export log file in the same location as the export package. The log file uses Unified Logging Service (ULS).It is recommended to use this parameter. However, for performance reasons, you might not want to generate a log file.
UseSqlSnapshot Optional Specifies a SQL Database Snapshot will be created when the export process begins, and all exported   data will be retrieved directly from the database snapshot. This snapshot will be automatically deleted when export completes.
WhatIf Optional Displays a message that describes the effect of the command instead of executing the command. For   more information, type the following command: get-help about_commonparameters



Export a site, list, or document library (Search Server 2010)

Thanks to:

Mattias Gutke – CAG – My main man!


Good Luckl!!


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