Export all data from Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB to file for archiving


If you want to export all data from a MongoDB in Azure, then you have come to the right place.

Maybe there is a better way, but I could not find it. Azure data studio allows me to connect, and in a query to the collection get data, but it only gets me about 30 items at the time, so copy paste from the results in not realisitc.

This procedure, is done on a WIndows environment, with internet connectivity, the MongoDB does not have any IP restrictions, if it does, you would have to fix connectivity first. I guess a good test can be to connect using the Azure Data Studio.

Here it goes!


mongoexport /h mymongodbaccount.mongo.cosmos.azure.com:10255 /u mymongodbaccount /p "RANDOMCHARACTERSRANDOMCHARACTERSRANDOMCHARACTERSRANDOMCHARACTERSRANDOMCHARACTERS==" /ssl /d myDatabase /c myDataCollection /o c:\Temp\myDataCollection.json --authenticationDatabase "admin"

Broken down, this command has the following components:


command line .exe tool that is part of the mongodb database tools package that is a free download from mongodb.com, see link in the reference section

/h mymongodbaccount.mongo.cosmos.azure.com:10255

host, the complete path including the port to your MongoDB in Azure. You will find this string in the connection string section in the Azure portal

/u mymongodbaccount

User, this is the name of the Cosmos DB for MongoDB account, also the first section of the host string.


Password, this is also find in the connection string section (I could be wrong here, I deleted all my DB’s before creating this post…if not here, then its in a different section in the portal, it IS there though)


LTS/SSL/Https, secure encrypted connection

/d myDatabase

Database, the database name where you are exporting from

/c myDataCollection

Collection, the name of the collection you are exporting from. The file will contain all data from this collection in json format

/o c:\Temp\myDataCollection.json

Output/target file, put it anywhere locally on your computer

–authenticationDatabase “admin”

This is required for the auth using the account + password to work


The result, when executed in a CMD prompt looks like this:



If you have more than one collection, in more than one mongoDB, then you will have to run the command again and again, remember though to change the output filename.

Happy exporting!








 Thomas Odell Balkeståhl on LinkedIn

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